
The FADER Weekend Reading List

The stories you gotta read from this week, starring Space Jam, dreams, and MDMA.

August 21, 2015
'Space Jam' Forever: The Website That Wouldn't Die

Erik Malinowski, Rolling Stone (8/19)

Behold, the epic tale of a website that has existed untouched for 19 years, a veritable living document of the early web. Malinowski tells the untold story of the web designers and coders making movie sites before anyone was online. Welcome to the Space Jam.

The Lost Dream Journal of the Man Who Discovered Neurons

Ben Ehrlich, Nautlius (8/20)


Santiago Ramon y Cajal was the man who discovered neurons. In order to prove that Freud was wrong about dreams being manifestations of repressed desires, he recorded and collected his own and others' dreams. Cajal ultimately decided not to publish the record of these, but it turns out they're beautifully written and super cool. Read about them over at Nautilus.

These Are The Faces Of East Side Detroit Rap

Liz Raiss and Matt Sukkar, The FADER (8/18)


East Village-bred photographer Matt Sukkar's deep connection to Detroit's east side is apparent in the intimate portraits he's taken of the neighborhood's rappers. The FADER's Staff writer Liz Raiss talked to Sukkar about his time in Detroit and the personal journey he took to get these exceptional snaps.

Moms Who Do Molly

Gabby Bess, Broadly (8/17)


There are PLUR moms out there. Moms who rave. Read Gabby Bess's colorful and respectful account of the moms who party with peace and love and MDMA, while still having time to raise their kids right.

A Conversation With the Fat Jew

Jesse David Fox, Vulture (8/21)


The Fat Jew, AKA @thefatjewish, AKA Josh Ostrovsky has been the talk of the town this week, and mostly not in a good way. He's been accused of stealing jokes from unknown comedians without crediting them, which is really uncool. On Tuesday, Digg rounded up all the things we needed to know about the controversy, and Eve Peyser at The Daily Dot talked to some of the comedians who accused The Fat Jew of plagiarism. Jesse David Fox got an exclusive interview with the Instagram celeb for Vulture, so now we've got all angles covered. Read and decide for yourself whether Ostrovsky is worth hating.

The True Story Of How Afropunk Turned A Message Board Into A Movement

Rawiya Kameir, The FADER (8/21)


Director James Spooner, who's now a vegan tattoo artist in Los Angeles, talked to Rawiya Kameir about the DIY community that rallied around his Afro-punk documentary and the early days of the scene.

Can Black Art Ever Escape the Politics of Race?

Vinson Cummingham, New York Times (8/20)


Through the works of Richard Wright, Chinua Achebe, LeRoi Jones (AKA Amiri Baraka), Chris Rock, and Zora Neale Hurston, the New York Times' Vinson Cummingham discusses the problem of distinguishing between black art, art about race, and "art for art's sake." It's the kind of critically smart essay we don't see enough of these days.

“The Lady in the Tutti-Frutti Hat”: The Story of Carmen Miranda

Livia Lakomy, The Toast (8/17)


August 5th marked the 60th anniversary of Carmen Miranda's death. If you don't know her by name, you surely will recognize the iconic image of “the Lady in the Tutti-Frutti Hat.” She was one of Brazil's most important celebrities in the 1940s and '50s. Livia Lokomy, a native Brazilian herself, tells the singer, dancer, and actress' compelling story.